Monster: Your Billion Dollar Ideology

In a time when we’re increasingly bombarded with messages telling us “you can be anything you want,” Monster – Your Billion Dollar Ideology offers a counter-intuitive evidence-based response to founders and companies who will listen. You can only become great when you first discover and leverage of your true self. Everything else is a distraction, or worse.

You’ll discover:

  • How to understand who you are based on evidence and aligned subjectivity
  • How to understand the gap between the ideal you and your current pragmatic reality
  • How to get better at being you by mobilizing your executives, staff, stakeholders and market

And ultimately, how to deeply understand what makes you tick, and why you have been successful, so you can double down on who you truly are, not who you wish you could be.


Before you create a vision board and let the power of intention take over, first consider reflecting on who you are, where you’re at, and how much work it’s going to take to improve your business.

When you’re on the path to becoming a great company there are many options available to help you get a better sense of who you are and what makes you important. But what if your endgame is not clear? What if you are lost in opportunities and don’t know exactly which path to take? Do you need a rebrand, executive retreat, or killer PR campaign?

Truth is, you may need all or none of these. The simple answer to the question above is, start with you. Your history, your values, your market, and ultimately your talent – something unique which has been brought to life over time and your clients and staff come to expect it even though they may never call it by name. The question is, what is it?