Miku Restaurant

The Miku Restaurant project was especially exciting because it marked the North American debut of a wildly successful young Japanese entrepreneur named Siego Nakamura who has big plans for growth. He wanted to introduce “Miku” an upscale restaurant across North America.

Nakamura relocated a team of his top people from Japan to Vancouver to ensure that Miku would be authentic down to the last detail. They then went on to create Miku’s logo, an eight-page press kit bound into book form and a beautiful website featuring a seven-minute professionally crafted documentary. David Childs coached Nakamura in English to help him prepare a speech for Miku’s grand opening. A six month collaboration with Spark PR to organize Miku’s gala opening was also implemented. The outcome was nothing short of a triumph.

Miku’s grand opening was an incredible success, filling to capacity within 10 minutes of the doors opening. Miku has continued to receive critical acclaim and has become firmly seated in the upper echelon of Vancouver fine dining.